The widespread disease of back pain is a health problem with far-reaching consequences for the people affected. International guidelines for the treatment of chronic or recurrent back pain recommend patient education with a focus on counselling and exercises to improve self-management.
The GLA:D® Switzerland Back Programme is based on the treatment guidelines and is a treatment option for patients with chronic or recurrent low back pain that affects everyday life.
From summer 2021, the first GLA:D® certified physiotherapists in Switzerland will offer the GLA:D® Switzerland Back Programme in their practice or clinic.
Interest Group GLA:D® Switzerland
- Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW)
Susann Bechter, Prof. Dr. Thomas Benz, Prof. Dr. Karin Niedermann
- Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO)
Prof. PD Dr. Lara Allet, Sophie Carrard
- La Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI)
Luca Scascighini, Gianpiero Capra
- Schweizerischer Verband für Orthopädische Muskuloskelettale Physiotherapie (SVOMP)
Felicitas Frank, Rick Peters
- Rheumaliga Schweiz
Stefanie Wipf