Good Life with osteoArthritis
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases in Switzerland and worldwide. The treatment recommended by international guidelines of the relevant professional associations (EULAR and OARSI) for knee and hip arthrosis is a combination of consultation, instruction, exercises and – if necessary – weight control.
Thanks to the GLA:D® Schweiz programme, the international guidelines can now also be implemented in Switzerland.
The aim of GLA:D® Schweiz is to implement international best practice guidelines in a quality-controlled manner ( and to enable people with osteoarthritis to enjoy a good quality of life.
Since May 2019, the first GLA:D® certified physiotherapists in Switzerland have been offering the programme in their practice.
In November 2018, a group of researchers, practitioners and patient representatives gathered in Bern with the aim of introducing the very successful GLA:D® programme in Switzerland. After a meeting with Professor Ewa M. Roos, who developed GLA:D® in Denmark, the goal was absolutely clear: We have to bring the GLA:D® programme to Switzerland as soon as possible!
Interest Group GLA:D® Switzerland
- Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW)
Susann Bechter, Prof. Dr. Thomas Benz, Prof. Dr. Karin Niedermann
- Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO)
Prof. PD Dr. Lara Allet, Sophie Carrard
- La Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI)
Luca Scascighini, Gianpiero Capra
- Schweizerischer Verband für Orthopädische Muskuloskelettale Physiotherapie (SVOMP)
Felicitas Frank, Rick Peters
- Rheumaliga Schweiz
Stefanie Wipf