About GLA:D®
GLA:D® Back was developed in 2018 at the University of Southern Denmark in collaboration with researchers, patients and clinicians.
The heads of GLA:D® Denmark are Jan Hartvigsen and Inge Ris Hansen.
Jan Hartvigsen
Professor of Clinical Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Research, University of Southern Denmark
Head GLA:D® Back Denmark
«I have been involved in research for many years, but research alone does not change clinical practice. So I became involved in GLA:D® Back because I wanted to be part of the paradigm shift away from reliance on medication and passive therapies. Guidelines everywhere now recommend that people with persistent or recurrent back pain should remain physically active and receive education about why they have pain and how to deal with pain in their daily lives. So far, GLA:D® Back has helped thousands of patients achieve better function and enabled them to live better lives. They also consume less pain medication and have confidence in their back. 8 out of 10 people are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the program, and clinicians consistently report that the program gives them confidence that they deliver evidence-based care for their patients.»
Inge Ris Hansen
Teaching Assistant Professor
Project Manager GLA:D® Back Denmark
«Most clinicians are familiar with research-based and guideline recommendations for low back pain patients, but find it challenging to implement these and change daily practice and routines. We developed a ready-to-deliver programme based upon research and guideline recommendations to help clinicians deliver best practice for patients with recurrent back pain problems: GLA:D Back. The programme was developed with input from international researchers, clinicians and patients to assure its feasibility for all involved. The GLA:D Back research is not only focused on effectiveness but also on implementation mechanisms. The data delivered by clinicians delivering and patients participating in GLA:D Back contribute to the ongoing development of best care for low back pain patients and is fed back into GLA:D Back. Overall, GLA:D Back is very well received by clinicians. We know now that themes as the gain of using the programme, buying in on the programme, practicalities and clinicians attitudes are essential factors to address to facilitate the implementation. This helps us to improve the GLA:D Back, and to support clinicians to help their patients.»
GLA:D™ Australia
GLA:D™ was successfully introduced in Australia in 2016.
GLA:D Canada
GLA:D™ was successfully introduced in Canada in 2015.