Information for patients
What is the GLA:D® back programme?
The aim of the GLA:D® Switzerland Back Programme is to enable people with longlasting or recurrent back pain to have a good quality of life. The programme, which consists of “advice and instruction”, “exercises” and “quality control through data collection”, was developed in 2018 at the University of Southern Denmark in collaboration with researchers, patients and clinicians.
How does the GLA:D® back programme work?
The patients go through the 3 – 2 – 12 – 1 programme:
3 individual sessions with initial examination, tests and practical introduction to the exercise programme
2 group sessions with consultation and instruction
12 group sessions with a exercise program
1 single session with exit examination, including a short report to the referring doctor
Why should I choose GLA:D® back?
After completing the programme, patients have sufficient skills to manage their back pain independently and to function well in everyday life despite back problems. The first study results from Denmark confirm positive effects on pain and function.
The GLA:D® Switzerland programme is paid by the health insurance if prescribed by a doctor.
Experts support you and want to know how you are doing with the programme
The GLA:D® Switzerland Back Programme is an overall concept and is offered and carried out by specially trained and certified physiotherapists.
In addition to the entry and exit examinations, patients are surveyed after 3, 6 and 12 months using questionnaires.
All data collected is sent in anonymised form to the GLA:D® Switzerland Registry and a report is produced annually.
How can I participate in a GLA:D® Switzerland Back programme?
If you want to participate in a GLA:D® training program, certified GLA:D® physiotherapists throughout Switzerland are available to support you! Before taking part in the training programme, the GLA:D® physiotherapist will assess your current situation and then you will be introduced to the training programme.